November Mental Health Webinar Series

Over the past few weeks our staff have been taking part in online webinars with Derval Chambers Petit around the topics of “Minding Your Mental Health During Covid” & Stress Management & Physical Health”. The response was fantastic and added so much value to our staffs everyday lives and working environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenging event. Some people might find it more worrying than others. Medical, scientific and public health experts are working hard to contain the virus. Try to remember this when you feel worried.

It has affected all our lives in some ways. But in time, it will pass.

You may notice some of the following:

  • increased anxiety
  • feeling stressed
  • finding yourself excessively checking for symptoms, in yourself, or others
  • becoming irritable more easily
  • feeling insecure or unsettled
  • fearing that normal aches and pains might be the virus
  • having trouble sleeping
  • feeling helpless or a lack of control
  • having irrational thoughts